Good news, everyone! Revenge-aroni is now available for pre-order on Kindle! (Available for regular order on April 1.) Even better news, everyone! Revenge-aroni is only 99 cents until April 8! DO IT NOW.

As an extra special bonus, all Exponential Apocalypse e-books are 99 cents and all paperbacks are $7.99 until April 8! (Well, mostly. High Voltage is $8.99 ’cause I can’t price it any lower.) ALSO DO THIS NOW TOO.
“But, like, yo, man, I’m broke off my ass,” you may be elocuting. Fear not, friend, for I hear you! There’s another way to get your hands on a copy of Revenge-aroni, as well as a literal pile of other crap!
I’m giving away, in order of reverse awesomeness, a pen, a deck of sad lumberjack playing cards, a coffee mug, signed editions of all four Exponential Apocalypse books, and the grand prize: all of that except for the playing cards, plus probably a can of Beefaroni. There may also be more prizes, depending on what I can score from Vistaprint for free in the next three weeks.
Following me on Twitter, liking my Facebook page, pre-ordering the book, and joining the Thunderclap all net you entries into the random giveaway. You can also do none of that and just click a button everyday for additional entries if you want.
More updates and possibly giveaways and/or paperback pre-orders will be forthcoming in the next three weeks. Quite probably an annoying amount … unless you all pre-order and sign up for the Thunderclap, in which case I’ll keep my mouth shut. The choice is yours!