Finally, after, I don’t know, like a year? Revenge-aroni is complete. Well, mostly complete. Anyway, here’s the cover:

I want to do one more pass for proofreading and line-edits, and then Revenge-aroni will be ready for outside eyes. Speaking of, would you like to be those eyes? I need other proofreaders, reviewers, and blurbers. Or, if you’re not a reviewer yourself, but you know someone I should reach out to directly, please let me know that too.
I’ll have a better description of the book up shortly, but for now, just know that it’s the fourth Exponential Apocalypse book, and it takes place directly after High Voltage and then it doesn’t. Stuff happens, causing more stuff to happen, and then people die, sometimes hysterically but mostly violently. I don’t think I’m spoiling the book by saying that, but if you don’t see anything about the dying in the official description, I clearly changed my mind about that revelation.
Revenge-aroni is due out April 1, but I’ll have a bunch of pre-orders and contests and giveaways in March, so you’ve got that to look forward to too. There’ll be books and coffee mugs and magnets and several kinds of other stuff. Mark your calendars!