Yo. How’s things? Good? Good.
I’ve got a new story called “Threadbare” published by Blueshift Journal. It’s not online, but you can buy the issue here. The story is about, well, college, to put it briefly. I’d been working on this one for a while and I’m pretty proud it finally found a home. There’s a couple of allusions to Stephen Crane’s “Maggie: A Girl of the Streets” in there, too, because I was trying to be fancy, I think.
Also, I have a mailing list now. You can sign up in the sidebar to your right. It’s only going to be for notifications about new books and, assuming I follow through on this plan, contests to get those new books. So, like, two emails a year? Maybe three? You can handle that, right?
Other than that, everything’s fine. Going to Stanford on Monday for my first Annual Visit, and then my actual one year transplantiversary is a week from today. So that’s good.
I think… I think that’s it. I don’t know. I’m cutting back on caffeine and I don’t think my brain is super-happy with that. It may be on strike.